professional day grit workshops for teachers​
Our newest addition to Grit Workshops is Pro-D Day Workshops for teachers.
"Grit was, by far, the highlight of our professional development this year. Over a month later, staff are still raving about it!
As teachers, we have witnessed an increase in anxiety in our students over the past decade, and we recognize how critical it is for them to learn to manage daily stressors. In Alix’s Pro-D workshop, we explored neuroplasticity, the science behind quieting our minds, and effective tools and strategies for teaching our students to manage stress and build resiliency. We learned this in the most powerful and meaningful way…by experiencing it for ourselves. We left feeling refreshed, calm kits in hand, ready to help our students slow down, notice, and breathe. I highly recommend Grit for your next Pro-D Day!"
Rachel Lloyd, Kindergarten teacher and Pro-D Chair, Nelson Elementary, Vancouver
pro-d day format
Our Professional Day workshops are split into 2 parts:
Part 1 will expire how to care for our own stressed-out, overwhelmed-out brains. By talking through the neuroscience of anxiety, we'll explore methods for calming our minds and bodies so that we become healthier happier humans (and leaders).
Part 2 will focus on the mental well-being of our students. We'll explore tried and true methods for helping students self-regulate with the aim of having calmer, well-balanced kids in a more harmonious classroom.